Friday, July 24, 2020

My intro

We were learning about making a five second intro on wevideo, but it turned out to be a ten second intro. I found it easy to record the video, I found it hard to import the video onto the blogger page I really enjoyed recording something on wevideo Next time I need to make the video shorter.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Moari language game

In Hub mako, my classmates and I were learning to make a Scratch game to teach a couple primary kids about several maori words! I found it easy to code in the character I made which was a human, I created the character by using something called piskel. In piskel you can create characters and other things by using pixels! I found it a bit hard to think about what my character would say, but in the end I found the right questions and the right answers! I really liked making the game, making the character, and playing the game too! Next time I might need to maybe make the person bigger to make her stand out more. What did you feel about my voice, is it irritating or was it helpful when you needed to pronounce the maori words?