Friday, July 5, 2019

Carmen Sandeigo

I played a game when we had to track Carmen Sandiego on google earth and retrieve the crown jewels this game was what I chose for breakouts and it turned out to be more fun it turned out to be more amazing than I thought.


This week in reading workshops I learnt how to evaluate, evaluating means you read a text and state your opinion based on the text, I used evadinse in the text to state my opinion.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

The Taniwha

My buddy and I made a taniwha some taniwha are from the ocean or caves or volcanoes but my taniwha was from the forest it has pretty flowers, I designed some myself this is not finished yet but hopefully My buddy and I can finish it in the future. :)  

flagpole writing

Today my ako whanau group wrote a paragraph each about our flagpole koby did the first paragraph, jemma did the second and third, I did the last. this was an amazing,fun, and awesome challenge

Collaborative Art Owl

Elisha  and I made an owl for collaborative art, my favourite part of making the owl was  designing the feathers. If you look closely you can see beautiful or crazy designs.