Friday, June 26, 2020

Piskel Animation.

 We are learning to make pixel animations using an app called Piskel, today I made a pink bunny, I tried to make it as cute as I could. Piskel is an app that makes you animate characters using pixels?squares. I Found it easy to make an idea for a character.I found it hard to animate/make the character move. I really enjoyed watching my piskel character move and blink. Next time I maybe need to add more detail on what the pink bunny is doing. If you didnt know what it was doing, it was pointing at you, because you're amasing.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Copyright Challenge

for our Manaiakalani, Hub Mako did a task called the copyright challenge! For the copyright challenge we were to search up pictures from the web and place them into this slide. Unfortunately, That would be copyright and this slide could get copyrighted, so we put in the link of the person/people who originally Took the photo/image! When you click on the picture/image it will show you a link that sends you to the  website of the person/people who originally took the picture/image, now that isn't copyrighted because you sent the link and maybe gave credits to the person/people who created the photo/image. Obviously, I found it easy to insert in the pictures. What I found hard was thinking of what I should put in the slides. Next time I need to try and explain what images I put in and why.